Sadly with the closing of the Delaware College of Art and Design in Wilmington, DE in May 2024, the permanent collection in the second floor gallery was deinstalled.
New Work August 2022 "South West:" Pastel and Charcoal. 36" X 48"
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it's not all black and white check mate tidal wave detail
Check Mate/I'ts Not All Black and White diptych Tidal Wave detail
uncaged pastel
UNCAGED  PASTEL 2019 49 1/2" x 50"
clowns to the left jokers to the right
Clowns to the Left, Jokers to the Right

Valetta works primarily in pastels. Oils, mixed media quilts, and sculptures are also part of her extensive inventory of work.

"The gallery's featured artist is Valetta whose paintings and pastels are crammed with symbolism. Her quirky images are both fluid and magical. Her colors are soft, almost glowing. Valetta explores mood, time, and narrative in her exceptionally intelligent pieces." Robin Hotchkiss, Dircetor, Salon des Amis Gallery.

tidal wave
Tidal Wave (22 pastels form the whole.) in the collection of the Noyse Museum, Hammonton, NJ
girl on bicycle semi-circle top abstract nude
Girl on a Bicycle

On the Dotted Line

Semi Circle

Abstract Nude
Valetta's work has been described as figurative abstraction, leaning toward the surreal. In a statement for her 20 year retrospectve in 2011, Valetta writes in part, ... "Words and images are the tools of communication, the way I've relied on a stream of consciousness approach, trusting that enough will be revealed of interest, enough exposed to intrigue, but not enough to say, 'This is all I am after all'."

PO Box 510, Westtown, PA 19395
4400 Petaluma Hill Road, Santa Clara, CA 95494 | 610-459-2384
a bits and pieces side a bits and pieces side
Bits and Pieces, side one, paper quilt Bits and Pieces, side two, paper quilt
wedding bell blues diptych
Wedding Bell Blues, diptych
bridal path for albright
Bridal Path mixed media at the Vonderau Museum, Fulda, Germany
big wedding colaboration <THE BIG WEDDING Collaboration with Carla Lombardi and Libbie Soffer 2013
what the flood left behind

What the Flood Left Behind by Nancy Sarangoulis and Valetta

Installation at Kutztown University 2010 >
art talk nancy and valetta
<detail of work